International Placement

For models who are looking to take their modelling careers to an international level the Vanity Walk Model Agency works in conjunction with Michael Hooker International (MHI) which is an international model placement agency established in Auckland in January, 2004.

MHI was founded by Micheal Hooker who has over 14 years experience in the New Zealand & London fashion industries as an agency manager, agency booker, model scout & event organiser.

MHI works in parallel with the Vanity Walk Model Agency as an outsource agent, acting on our behalf to promote Vanity Walk models to the international modelling scene whether it be in New York, Paris, Milan, London, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Dubai, Singapore, Seoul, Bangkok or Sydney.

MHI’s success has been built on recognising & realising the potential of New Zealand fashion models on the international modelling circuit.

Watch this space!

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